
Pastors & Staff

Meet the team.

Bill Reid

Senior Pastor
My primary responsibility is to communicate God's vision from His Word concerning how we are to live as His apprentices in His Kingdom today.

Brian Britt

Associate Pastor of Youth
My primary responsibility is to love and serve students by reaching them with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping them for ministry.

Cary Tolar

Associate Pastor of Discipleship & Administration
My primary responsibility is to oversee church administration and adult discipleship through equipping, encouraging, and resourcing Life Group leaders and administrative personnel.  

Mike Houston

Minister to College Students
My primary responsibility is to love and serve college students by reaching them with the gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping them for ministry.

Sandra George

Minister to Children & Their Families
My primary responsibility is to partner with parents in building a strong spiritual foundation for children so that they may come to know Jesus as their Savior and to equip them to follow His example of obedience.  

Calvary's Support Staff

Melany Gay

Office Manager
As the Office Manager I assist the Ministerial staff and church members. I oversee the paper & online publications, church calendar and general office work.

Jennifer Allen

Ministry Assistant
I am here to assist the Ministerial staff and church members with all church and ministry related needs.

Jan Smith

Ministry Assistant/ Kitchen Manager
My primary responsibility is to assist the Ministerial Staff and church members through kitchen management and general office responsibilities.  

Libby Scallan

Financial Secretary
My primary responsibility is to be the liaison with our accounting firm. Handling the accounts payable and financials packets for the church.